Here you can download tools for your pathloss:
1. Antena Data Files
Antenna Nokia : http://www.4shared.com/file/77381113/1110e124/nokia_ant.html
Antena andrew : http://www.4shared.com/file/77381295/32ec7040/andrew.html
2. Radio Data Files
3. Data Base Engine
4. Rain Data Base
5. Tools For Fixed Alogaritm SRTM
6. Need Pathloss With Coverage and interference tools are enable?? Contact Me On +6285640500028 or anwar_alcatel@yahoo.co.id
Coverage : http://w18.easy-share.com/1702961123.html
Interference : http://w18.easy-share.com/1702961126.html
Note : Need Pathloss 4.0?? Pathloss 4.0 Full Version?? Pathloss with coverage?? pathloss 4.0 with interference?? Pathloss 4.0 with background network?? Path loss 4.0??TEms 6 or 8?? Global Mapper 10?? Planet 4.5?? Mentum 6?? Contact me on anwar_alcatel@yahoo.co.id or +628564050028
Note : Need Pathloss 4.0?? Pathloss 4.0 Full Version?? Pathloss with coverage?? pathloss 4.0 with interference?? Pathloss 4.0 with background network?? Path loss 4.0??TEms 6 or 8?? Global Mapper 10?? Planet 4.5?? Mentum 6?? Contact me on anwar_alcatel@yahoo.co.id or +628564050028
BalasHapusIya lengkap dengan coverage dan interference tools pada pathloss 4.0 tersebut
Dear pak
BalasHapusPathloss 4.0 nya lengkap dengan coverage dan interference tools nya kah??
mas, saya mau install path loss lengkap, apabila berkenan email saya di arifintsi@gmail.com
BalasHapusTentu saja Anda boleh Instal Pathloss 4.0.... Pathloss 4.0 kami lengkap dengan tools Interference dan coverage tools
BalasHapusNeed the whole material in English language
the literature sud also be displayed in english language also
BalasHapusTo Vikas:
BalasHapusok, ill do it later....for tutorial on ppt try this:
harganya brp bos?
BalasHapusberapa harganya bos?
BalasHapusto ITblog
BalasHapusyou can email me about the price.....please inform your email to me....
Pak anwar...Pathloss nya lengkap dengan BDE enjin sama tool interferensinya..bisa rapid deploy juga...
BalasHapusJika berkenan Kirim Penawarannya ke bramsteins111@yahoo.com
terima kasih sebleumnya
BalasHapusAnonymous said...
Pak anwar...Pathloss nya lengkap dengan BDE enjin sama tool interferensinya..bisa rapid deploy juga...
Jika berkenan Kirim Penawarannya ke bramsteins111@yahoo.com
terima kasih sebleumnya
Iya pak lengkap dengan database engine, coverage, interference, map grind, dan background network.
Note : dapat diinstal di multiple pc juga.
apa kabar pak anwar...
BalasHapusdo u have the day 2 and 3 training materials from Telefocal?
Anonymous said...
BalasHapusapa kabar pak anwar...
do u have the day 2 and 3 training materials from Telefocal?
yes I have.
Please sent me email